Stressed at best

Today I finished up my last final for Winter quarter. For those of you unfamiliar with a quarter system for a college, let me explain. Semester schools usually have two 15 week semesters and about a month vacation around Christmas time. RIT does a quarter system. We have three 10 week quarters instead so our schedule looks like this: Fall - 10 weeks of classes, 1 week of finals, 1 week of vacation; Winter - 3 weeks of classes, 2 weeks of vacation, 7 weeks of classes, 1 week of finals, 1 week of vacation; Spring - 10 weeks of classes, 1 week of finals and then Summer break unless you are taking classes. Why am I telling you all of this boring scheduling crap? Because it makes for one busy stressed out student!

We learn what the average student learns in 15 weeks, in 10. That by itself makes for a lot of work, but when you add on 20 hours a week of work, maintaining a social life and family time as well as trying to plan a wedding? Well, it just doesn't all fit. This week was finals week and I literally spent the last three days doing work and had... oh about ten minutes of free time.

Anywho, the semester is over and for the rest of this week and all of next week all I have to do is work. I've got a bunch of stuff I want to blog about like some diy projects, our guest list, budget and a bridal show I went to with my  mom and sister. So over the next week or so I'll get those posts out and hopefully fix all of the formatting problems with this new layout.

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