The Best Favor Idea Ever!

or how I plan to gain 100 lbs.

I'm sure you already know that candy buffets are the coolest thing since sliced bread to have at your wedding nowadays.

If you don't know, it goes like this: Couples put out jars of candy and little bags or boxes for guests to fill up with the candy of their choice. Something like this:


I've seen this idea a million times and had decided early on that we would not have a candy buffet. I see the appeal, but to me, it's getting a little over done and we don't even really like candy all that much. But then, the other day while browsing wedding blogs (probably on Weddingbee) I saw an idea for... a TRAIL MIX BUFFET!! How awesome would that be?!

I immediately started thinking about it and ran it by Sean.
"What do you think about a trail mix buffet at the wedding?!"
"A what?"
"You know, we put out jars full of yummy trail mix ingredients and then our guests can mix up their own trail mix!"
"Oh, okay. Sure."
"Don't you love it?! I love trail mix! You love trail mix too right!?"
"Uhm yeah, I like it"

I spent the next hour or two (or five) looking at candy and trail mix buffet ideas. Apparently trail mix buffets aren't all that popular or common so I've been looking at candy buffet pictures for design ideas.

Here's where this is a bad idea. Now I've got trail mix on the brain and I want to eat it all the time. It's all I've been able to think about the last day. I don't buy trail mix often because when I do, I eat it way too fast and it isn't exactly calorie free. But today while I was out shopping (for some wedding organization supplies!) I bought a big bag of it. Then I proceeded to shovel it into my mouth as I drove home.


*Side Note* I actually wrote this post yesterday and as I went back in to edit and publish I was eating more of that trail mix. I think I might go hit the gym.

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